Pop Shell Gets New Window Stacking Feature

Pop Shell Window Stacking

Pop Shell, the window tiling GNOME Shell extension used by default with Pop!_OS 20.04, has recently received support for window stacking.

"This makes it easy to organize tiled windows in the same workspace without sacrificing window size", notes the System76 tweet that announces this feature, which landed in Pop!_OS 20.04 last Friday.

To stack tiled windows, use Super + s to convert a regular tiled window to a stack, then use Super + Enter and the arrow keys or vim shortcuts to add windows to the stack, or remove them. When a stack is focused, using Super + / to launch a new application will automatically add that application's window to the stack.

Switching between windows in the same stack can be done using the mouse, by clicking on the window title inside the stack, or using Super + ← / →.

Move windows out of the stack by pressing Super + Enter, then use the arrow keys to get them out of the stack. Then press Super + s to convert the stack to a regular window.

You can see the new tiled window stacking feature in Pop Shell in this video created by the extension developers:

Pop Shell may only be available by default in Pop!_OS, but since this is free and open source software, you can install it on any Linux distribution using GNOME Shell 3.36 or 3.38. The extension page mentions it works only with GNOME 3.36, however, I've been using it with GNOME 3.38 for a few hours and it works great, without any single issue so far. In fact, if you want to install it on a few other Linux distributions, I wrote an article on how to install it on Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, Arch or Manjaro which you can find here (which I updated today).