Multi-Calendar Desktop App MineTime 1.6.0 Adds New Scheduling Assistant

MineTime desktop calendar Linux

MineTime, an AI-powered desktop calendar application that works with multiple Calendar services, has been updated to version 1.6.0, which includes some important changes like a new scheduling assistant, a new 10-day view, and more.

MineTime is a smart calendar application for Windows, macOS and Linux desktops that can serve as a single front-end for multiple calendar services like Google Calendar,, Microsoft Exchange, iCloud and any service that supports CalDAV. It was created as part of a research project by ETH Zurich, Switzerland, to build a modern, multi-platform, AI-powered calendar application.

It's important to note from the get-go that MineTime, which uses Electron, is not free and open source software (for now, though it might become in the future), although it is free for non-commercial use. What's more, the the tool collects some information ("to elaborate a profile and statistics"), but this can be disabled from the application settings, by disabling Advanced Features.

Among its features are natural language support (schedule events using plain English like "Meeting with John tomorrow at 3PM"), AI-powered group scheduling which analyzes your daily patterns and takes everyone's agendas and preferences into account, multiple views, event invitation support, tagging, search in calendars (type "find what-to-find" in the Assistant input field), and much more.

You can read more about MineTime on Linux Uprising and on its official website.

The latest MineTime 1.6.0 includes a new scheduling assistant that's not only faster, with immediate feedback, but it also works without having to connect to cloud services. This means you can now use the MineTime assistant to schedule events using natural language even if you disable "Advanced Features" (so it doesn't collect any data).

The new assistant now also includes real-time suggestions based on your past scheduling habits when scheduling events using natural language. Only your local calendars are used these predictions, so no event information leaves your computer.

This update also brings some user interface improvements, like a new 10-day view (which only shows working days), and a new monthly calendar widget at the bottom of the sidebar.

Calendar-related: How To Embed A Google Calendar Widget On Your Linux Desktop Background

Other changes in MineTime 1.6.0:

  • A new "--hidden" command line option was added that can be used to start MineTime minimized (useful to have it start in the tray, without opening the application UI)
  • Events can always be deleted, even when created by others
  • Keyboard Up/Down arrows can now be used for vertical scrolling
  • Removed unused Google permissions, improved Google OAuth speed, UI adjustments and bug fixes

Download MineTime

Linux users will be able to download MineTime binaries packaged as 64bit DEB, RPM and AppImage.